Mother's Always Right » Brixham If not, ask Gran Mon, 04 Aug 2014 07:47:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 An afternoon in Brixham Sun, 23 Feb 2014 17:25:12 +0000 For the first time in ages we had a free day together as a family – and it was sunny. …

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For the first time in ages we had a free day together as a family – and it was sunny. The day stretched before us like a blank piece of paper, full of possibilities and blue sky.

But first we had to do the boring stuff, like a supermarket shop, meet a couple of work deadlines, do a load of washing and (the biggest challenge considering our daughter’s current phase) get our three year old dressed.

Once that was all dealt with it was 12pm and the clouds had gathered. Ignoring the impending rain we bundled into the car and set off for Brixham, a little seaside town about half an hour from our village on the edge of Dartmoor. We bickered part of the way, then got lost looking for a car park, then realised we had no change for said car park. But, finally, we were there. 

We looked at boats.


And lobster pots.


It’s no secret the fishing industry in the South West has been badly hit by the recent storms, with some fishing crews losing up to £20,000 worth of gear to the fierce seas and not being able to go out to fish (and, therefore, be paid) for over 2 months. It was quiet in Brixham on Friday afternoon, and I hope this was partly because a few of the fishing fleets were able to get out onto the water.

The blue skies held out long enough to enjoy a British classic where it was always meant to be eaten.

With sticky fingers and full bellies we wandered along the harbour – squeezing in a family selfie on the way – before promising Frog an ice cream for pudding.

And then the heavens opened, throwing down rain and hail. So we darted into a cosy looking deli and ordered hot chocolate and ice cream.


It was pretty much the perfect family afternoon. We’ll definitely be back.



Linking up to Country Kids at Coombe Mill and The Ordinary Moments at Mummy Daddy Me

The post An afternoon in Brixham appeared first on Mother's Always Right.

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