Today is a bad day. Today is a “throw your computer in the bin and sulk for the entire afternoon” day.
Okay, so I know yesterday I vowed to stop being such a hater. But I can’t help it. I HATE technology! And more than that, I HATE when I don’t know how to use it.
I spent the entire two hours of Frog’s nap this afternoon trying to work out how to add a Facebook “like” button to my blog. (Did I mention this took me two hours?!). This was after spending the entire one hour of her nap this morning setting up a Facebook page for said blog.
Well, the Facebook page is finally up and running (I know, I know, it’s easy to do, but I’m technically challenged, Okay?) but the illusive “like” button is not. It is nowhere to be seen. So I am now less popular than a fart in a lift and currently only have two “likes” on my page. And one of those is from a good friend, so doesn’t even count. Even my own mother doesn’t “like” my Facebook blog page (granted, she isn’t on Facebook, but even so…)
So, if you never hear from me again, please assume I have succumbed to one of the following:
a) Jumped into the nearest canal after losing my mind with rage at Facebook and all technology in general.
b) Given up blogging and all online pursuits in favour of the good old fashioned carrier pigeon and letter in a bottle.
c) Broken the law and been arrested for fly tipping after throwing my computer into the nearest field full of cow muck.
Of course, you could save me from all of the above if you just “like” my new Facebook page. If I get at least 5 “likes” by tomorrow, maybe I’ll reconsider the carrier pigeon. Thanking you in advance. The End.

Please save me from this pigeon