Mother's Always Right » gender-neutral nursery ideas
If not, ask GranMon, 04 Aug 2014 07:47:04 +0000en-UShourly1 Blogger Bump Club Week 2 #BlogBumpClub, 22 May 2014 10:06:28 +0000 I posted about The Blogger Bump Club last week I was a bit worried no one would join in. Despite …
When I posted about The Blogger Bump Club last week I was a bit worried no one would join in. Despite blogging for more than three years I’ve never hosted a proper linky before, and it felt a bit like organising a party and waiting for people to show.
But I was overwhelmed with the response and loved reading all the posts that were linked up. I found some new blogs to follow too, which is always a bonus.
We have a brand new blogger to add to the group this week – Karen from Well I Guess This is Growing Up announced she’s pregnant with her first baby! Reading Karen’s post about the first trimester made me realise how much better I feel myself now compared with a few weeks ago. Although I’m still exhausted in the evenings it’s nothing compared to the bone-aching tiredness of those first few weeks of pregnancy.
Like Karen, this week I’ve been firmly focused on the nursery. Although I’m only 21 weeks pregnant, I’ve already been pinning like mad (we’re planning a mint, yellow and grey nursery) and last week took delivery of a sample of the wallpaper we plan to use for a feature wall in the baby’s room.
At our 20 week scan last week we decided not to find out the sex of the baby, so the room needs to be a gender-neutral one. When I was pregnant with Frog four years ago, we lived in a rented cottage, so didn’t have the option of painting the walls. It means this time I’m fully embracing the excitement of planning the nursery decor – even though the baby will actually sleep in our room for the first few months.
By the way, if you’re looking for gender-neutral nursery ideas you MUST check out Heather Young’s interiors blog, Growing Spaces. She has a series of gender-neutral kids room ideas coming up and if you like interiors, you’ll love her suggestions.
Other than the nursery obsession, there’s not much more to report on the pregnancy front. I’m feeling well, am feeling the baby move more and more (although my scan showed my placenta’s at the front this time, so apparently it might mean I don’t feel as much movement as it cushions the kicks) and Frog is becoming increasingly excited about the prospect of being a big sister.
So how are you doing? Has anyone else (like me) been watching far too many episodes of One Born Every Minute?
Link up your latest post about your pregnancy and join the #BlogBumpClub. By the way – do feel free to tweet me a link of your linked up post too. I’m @mollyjforbes on Twitter if you want to chat.
And, of course, there’s the shiny badge below you can display too. I made it myself and everything.