Mother's Always Right » imagination If not, ask Gran Fri, 01 Aug 2014 18:47:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Winning mum points – making a DIY wigwam Thu, 02 May 2013 13:12:00 +0000 Funny how the sunshine just seems to lift everyone’s mood – even a slightly grumpy, tired toddler. Yesterday saw my …

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Den buildingFunny how the sunshine just seems to lift everyone’s mood – even a slightly grumpy, tired toddler. Yesterday saw my two year old come home from nursery and promptly start snoring on the sofa. She slept for a couple of hours and woke up groggy, disorientated and less than enthusiastic about playing in the garden for the rest of the day.

She couldn’t stay moody for long though – not when she spied the most fabulous creation to ever grace our scruffy patch of grass. Behold! The DIY Wigwam of Dreams!

Made from a few sticks of bamboo cane stuck in the ground and tied together at the top with a piece of string, this little beauty also features a quality finish in the form of an old sheet, complete with sliding door (sort of). It boasts the ultimate in luxurious comfort, with the fleece blanket flooring.

Obviously, Frog wanted to move in right away.

She read her books in there for a good half an hour – including the one about the Little Princess and the tent, which inspired the idea for a den in the first place – and asked to eat her tea in there and go to bed in there too (the answer was no).

At nearly three years old, my tot has reached the stage of contagious enthusiasm, welcoming everything with an, “Oh WOW Mummy!” and, “This AMAZING Mummy!”. It’s fair to say she was a fan of the new garden feature, telling me, “Well done Mummy! You a CLEVER girl!”.

Problem is, I think I may have shot myself in the foot with such success straight away. On her way home from nursery today she announced her excitement at the afternoon ahead: “When I wake up I can’t wait to see the princess castle you make today Mummy!”.

Oh dear.


I’m linking this post up to Country Kids at Coombe Mill, which is a constant source of inspiration for getting outdoors. Plus, it looks like rather a nice holiday spot too.

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How to occupy a toddler while cooking Mon, 28 Jan 2013 19:53:46 +0000 You know that time of day where your child turns into a demon, your phone starts ringing and the uncooked …

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You know that time of day where your child turns into a demon, your phone starts ringing and the uncooked supper screams at you from the fridge? For me, that hellish point in the day always arrives at around 4pm. *BANG* – it hits us like a train.

One of the hardest things I find at this time is multi-tasking; answering the phone, while juggling a tantrumming toddler on one hip and cutting up an onion with one hand. Anyone with children will tell you – it’s a hard job to occupy a toddler while cooking. Especially if that cooking involves more than just bunging something in the oven.

I experienced a revelation today though. 4pm arrived and there was no sign of the metamorphosis from angel to demon in my beautiful child. She remained happy, calm and content. She occupied herself and didn’t once asked to be lifted up, to “help”, to have “CHOC CHOC!” or for ketchup to be smothered over her uncooked supper.

And it’s all down to one thing.

In a miraculous change from the norm, my two and half year old fell fast asleep on the way home from nursery today. She was totally zonked, to the point where she didn’t even wake up as I carried her from the car to the sofa.

While she slept, I used the time to chuck a couple of loads of washing in the machine and catch up with my emails. But an hour passed and still she didn’t wake. So rather than nap myself (I don’t trust myself to wake up again before the following morning if I do that) I made some no cook play dough, courtesy of The Imagination Tree.

I polished off my Perfect Mother halo and wiped down Frog’s little play table, before placing the play dough, some cookie cutters, cupcake pots and spoons, along with a little teapot on the table.

When my toddler woke, I wasn’t stressed at the thought of dealing with a grumpy child while cooking our evening meal. Instead, I let her gently come to before wandering into the kitchen to discover her little play scene all laid out before her.

For once, I actually felt like a half decent mum. You know, the ones that are actually organised and arrange activities for their kids before they get bored and whingey?

With a gasp of excitement, Frog got to work playing. She made cakes, cut up cookies, talked about the shapes she was making, sang Happy Birthday and pretty much escaped into her own little world for a good half an hour.

It might stick on your shoes and the glitter might need sweeping off the floor, but I’m telling you – play dough is the way to go. I’ll take sticky shoes over a grumpy toddler and burnt supper any day.


I’m linking this post up to The Sunday Showcase at Here Come The Girls and Tuesday Tots at Rainy Day Mum.

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John Jelly Moo Wed, 12 Dec 2012 07:30:21 +0000 A conversation with my two year old at bathtime… Frog: “Mummy, I have friend. He called John Jelly Moo.” Me: …

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A conversation with my two year old at bathtime…

Frog: “Mummy, I have friend. He called John Jelly Moo.”

Me: “Really? Where does he live?”

Frog: “My bedroom.”

Me (gulping): “Right. And what does he look like?”

Frog (exasperated): “Silly Mummy! John Jelly Moo has beard and buttons.”

Me: “Oh. And his hair?”

Frog: “Silly! It BLUE!”

It would appear my child has her first imaginary friend. At least, she did, until about ten minutes later…

Frog: “Mummy, John Jelly Moo gone now.”

Me: “Oh dear, why did he go?”

Frog: “We had row. He like little girl. Not me. I grumpy. I sad now.”

My own imaginary “friends” lasted at least six months. My mother still delights in reminding me of my odd behaviour. While other little girls chatted to their dolls or their imaginary friends who were also little girls, I had something a tad, um, different.

My own imaginary friend was actually an imaginary “Mum”. Her name was Ampee Sugal. Ampee Sugal had a daughter called Ampee Rollo. Ampee Rollo was my imaginary sister. I know, I know. Strange child.

Looks like my daughter takes after me. You can’t say we’re not original at least…

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