Mother's Always Right » kids style If not, ask Gran Mon, 04 Aug 2014 07:47:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Zalando Toddler Style Challenge Tue, 27 Aug 2013 07:30:49 +0000 I was minding my own business the other day, pootling around on the computer when a message popped up on …

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I was minding my own business the other day, pootling around on the computer when a message popped up on Facebook from my mate Alison.

She’s not just any mate, is Alison. She’s a brilliantly stylish magazine journalist who just happens to write one of my favourite blogs – Not Another Mummy Blog.

Anyway, Alison asked if I was up for a bit of a style contest with her, using nothing but my wily mum fashion sense and the huge array of kids clothes on offer at Zalando. Of course I agreed.

So, I bring to you….

Zalando Style-OffIf you’ve never visited Zalando before, be warned – you’ll need at least an hour to peruse the many, many, many different outfits on offer. It took me an hour to eventually choose my three year old’s outfit, so huge was the choice. 

Zalando Style-Off 2

When I’m choosing new clothes for Frog, I have five things I tend to look for:

1) They need to be comfortable

2) They need to be good quality

3) They need to be fun

4) They need to NOT feature a cartoon character

5) They need to be affordable

With all that in mind, this Tootsa MacGinty dress jumped out at me.

Frog already has a pair of Tootsa MacGinty harem leggings, so I know how great quality the clothes from the brand are. Plus, they’re bright, fun and – except for the dresses – non-gender specific, so can be used again if any other bambinos come along who aren’t of the dress variety.

The Tootsa MacGinty St Ives dress was £13 reduced from £28. I teamed it with a pair of cute STUPS high-top trainers for £29 and a Scandi-inspired yellow Kiri scarf for £6 from Finkid, all ordered from the Zalando website.

Zalando Style-Off

Our budget was £50 and the only rule was to stick within the price and choose something for our child and not ourself (harder than it looks).

Given the huge array of outfits on offer, you’d expect Alison and I to go for totally different outfits, right? Wrong.

Yep – we both ended up picking the Tootsa MacGinty St Ives dress! What can I say, the lady has good taste.

We’ve both styled up the dress in a slightly different way though. Head over to Alison’s blog to see what other items she plumped for. And then come back and tell me which one you prefer because, you know, it’s a style contest and all.



I was provided with a £50 voucher to spend at Zalando for the purpose of this challenge. 


The post The Zalando Toddler Style Challenge appeared first on Mother's Always Right.

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