Well that does it. As if my cool credentials weren’t at the bottom of the heap already, Kate at Kate Takes 5 has issued another Listography highly likely to make me cringe.
But needs must and if I can do stand up comedy and read the news in my bra, I can own up to some dreadful taste in music.
This week’s Listography demands that we admit to the first five albums we ever owned. So here goes…..
1. Kyle Minogue: Kylie
I went through a phase of actually believing that I was Kylie Minogue. Remember that look she used to sport with the curly hair flowing out of a hat? I adored it. I used to sit in the bath singing I should be so lucky, lucky lucky lucky at the top of my voice. I was five OK? Give me a break.
2. Bonnie Tyler: Super Hits
I’m not apologising for this one. Total Eclipse of the Heart and Holding Out for a Hero? Classic tunes.
3. Take That: Everything Changes
Again, no apologies. You already know how much I love TT (as us fans call them).
4. Red Hot Chilli Peppers: Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Ok, so I realise Take That and the Red Hot Chilli Peppers may be unlikely partners in a music collection, but I acquired this album completely by accident. A boy at school recorded it for me onto cassette when I was eleven. I thought I was desperately cool and painstakingly copied the picture on the front cover.
5. Oasis: (What’s the Story?) Morning Glory
Don’t confuse me with someone who’s got taste. I bought this when I was twelve and decided I was an Indie. I cut my hair into something resembling a wedge of cheese (because I wanted to look like Justine Frischman out of Elastica) and died it brown. Except it didn’t go brown, it went bright red because my cousin sneaked a bit of red food colouring into the mixture to “give it some oomph”.
I persevered with my new image though, and bought a tank top. I then read something about Oasis “cracking the big apple” and, having no idea what that actually meant and becoming a little confused, I proudly told my dad I knew of a new band who were so good they were going to “crack an orange”.
And that was the end of my dalliance with cool. Long live Bonnie Tyler.