The post Blogger Bump Club Week 5 #BlogBumpClub appeared first on Mother's Always Right.
]]>Somehow it’s Thursday already and I’m now approaching the 25 week pregnancy mark. I’m becoming convinced this means I am stuck in an alternative universe where this pregnancy just whooshes by without me even realising it.
This week has, unlike the last one, been much calmer. Work hasn’t been so manic and I’ve even managed to squeeze in a few episodes of the new series of Orange is the New Black on Netflix. (Seriously, I don’t know how I got through my last pregnancy without the companion that is Netflix.)
Bump-wise, I’m feeling about a million times better. There’ve been no more scary situations *touch wood* involving trips to the hospital and the baby continues to make his or her presence known with many a kick. I’ve noticed the kicks get stronger when I’m sitting down or in the bath, and it’s been lovely for the (self-proclaimed) Northern Love Machine to feel more kicks too.
Now the bump is bigger, my early pregnancy body hang-ups are pretty much gone and I’m actually enjoying being pregnant (although I do miss the wine). I loved this post from Susanne over at Ghostwriter Mummy linked up to last week’s #BlogBumpClub. I could really relate to that feeling of being uncomfortable in your own skin in those early weeks of pregnancy.
At the moment I’m on the hunt for maternity clothes suitable for summer, so if you have any recommendations let me know. I could do with a couple of comfy, flattering summer dresses to see me through the next couple of months – especially as my maternity clothes from last time were for a different season.
I seem to be living in my black maxi dress at the moment (a non-maternity number from Asda George that gets shorter as the bump gets bigger) and a really cute grey jersey maternity dress from Asos. My Next boyfriend maternity jeans and stripy Asos vest are also getting a lot of action, as are the maternity trousers I got from Topshop recently.
If you’re looking for maternity style inspiration check out this post from last week’s #BlogBumpClub from Four Hats and Frugal. Not sure I have the legs to pull off this look – still, it’s nice to dream.
So how have you been? What are you wearing? Have you felt much baby movement? Are you battling cankles like me at the moment?! Link up your most recent pregnancy post and join our blogger antenatal club.
Don’t forget to grab the badge (below) so you can let others know about us too. Plus, there’s always plenty of pregnancy-related chat over on Twitter if you follow our hashtag #BlogBumpClub (I’m @mollyjforbes on Twitter by the way).
The post Blogger Bump Club Week 5 #BlogBumpClub appeared first on Mother's Always Right.
]]>The post The Blogger Bump Club Week 3 #BlogBumpClub appeared first on Mother's Always Right.
]]>Somehow, I am hurtling towards being 23 weeks pregnant. Somehow, we’re in our third week of the #BlogBumpClub (the new blogger antenatal club!). And somehow, it’s Thursday of half term already. I swear time is speeding up for me at the moment.
That’s sort of how it’s been throughout this pregnancy actually. Although I felt really sick and tired in the first trimester, it did hurtle along pretty quickly. And now I’m already over halfway there it seems kind of unreal. I remember being pregnant with Frog four years ago and forgetting what it felt like NOT to be pregnant. Time seemed to move more slowly back then!
The last week has reminded me of the need to listen to my body a bit more at the moment. It’s half term, so the daughter and (teacher) husband are both at home. That means cramming in more family activities alongside my regular work deadlines – and some redecorating. Last night I was sick again for the first time since I was 12 weeks pregnant. A reminder that I’m not super-woman and tiredness is especially unglamorous when you’re pregnant.
Still, it was nice to have a night away in my home town of Bristol last weekend. I caught up with my oldest friend and we had lunch, went to the cinema, did a spot of shopping and she even did my nails. It was AMAZING.
I even had time to try on a pair of maternity trousers from Topshop. And, of course, I bought them…
If you’re struggling to find maternity clothes then I suggest you check out Jennie at Edspire’s #BlogBumpClub post from last week – Pregnancy Pretties. There are some lovely brands featured, including some lovely comfy PJs which are my main obsession at the moment.
So how have you been this week? Link up and don’t forget to join in the chat over on Twitter if you like too – just follow our hashtag #BlogBumpClub. It’s always nice to find others in the same boat! There’s also a badge too – you can grab it yourself at the bottom of this post.
The post The Blogger Bump Club Week 3 #BlogBumpClub appeared first on Mother's Always Right.