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]]>She couldn’t stay moody for long though – not when she spied the most fabulous creation to ever grace our scruffy patch of grass. Behold! The DIY Wigwam of Dreams!
Made from a few sticks of bamboo cane stuck in the ground and tied together at the top with a piece of string, this little beauty also features a quality finish in the form of an old sheet, complete with sliding door (sort of). It boasts the ultimate in luxurious comfort, with the fleece blanket flooring.
Obviously, Frog wanted to move in right away.
She read her books in there for a good half an hour – including the one about the Little Princess and the tent, which inspired the idea for a den in the first place – and asked to eat her tea in there and go to bed in there too (the answer was no).
At nearly three years old, my tot has reached the stage of contagious enthusiasm, welcoming everything with an, “Oh WOW Mummy!” and, “This AMAZING Mummy!”. It’s fair to say she was a fan of the new garden feature, telling me, “Well done Mummy! You a CLEVER girl!”.
Problem is, I think I may have shot myself in the foot with such success straight away. On her way home from nursery today she announced her excitement at the afternoon ahead: “When I wake up I can’t wait to see the princess castle you make today Mummy!”.
Oh dear.
I’m linking this post up to Country Kids at Coombe Mill, which is a constant source of inspiration for getting outdoors. Plus, it looks like rather a nice holiday spot too.
The post Winning mum points – making a DIY wigwam appeared first on Mother's Always Right.
]]>The post Why I don’t give in to the tiredness (mostly) appeared first on Mother's Always Right.
]]>But, as everyone with children knows, sleep doesn’t come to those with kids. Not when you most want it anyway. So rather than giving in to the temptation to lounge on the sofa while my 2 year old laps up the latest episode of Andy’s Adventures, I try and do something with her.
It’s an afternoon with no clubs or toddler activity groups, so we do our own thing. Sometimes it involves playdough, sometimes it involves a cake at the garden centre cafe, sometimes it involves a visit to friends.
This week, Friday afternoon was all about an aventure to the woods with our next door neighbours / wedding photographer / very good friends.
I watched as Frog and her four year old friend chased each other through puddles, hid in bracken and played in a teepee made of sticks. It’s the furthest my hypermobile child has ever walked on her own without asking to be carried. And it’s the first time she’s enjoyed the sensation of lying in piles of autumn leaves, looking up into the trees to see the sky beyond.
All photographs are by the very talented Caroline Gue at CP Photography
The post Why I don’t give in to the tiredness (mostly) appeared first on Mother's Always Right.