1. Start a blog.
2. Invite family over for the weekend and spend vast amounts of time worrying about not writing a blog post in two days.
3. Furtively check your emails and get irrationally moody at the sight of posts written by other bloggers you subscribe to. Spend more time worrying about not writing a post in two days.
4. Blame your bad mood on the man in your life and start a row about him not helping out enough. Secretly worry about not writing a blog post in two days.
5. Make an excuse to go to the toilet and have a quick glance at Twitter to check you’re not missing anything. Use the time you spend having a wee to secretly worry about not writing a blog post in two days.
6. Once all family have gone spend half an hour in a sulk that you can’t use the computer to write a blog post, as the man in your life has actual real work to do. Start another row about the fact he doesn’t take you seriously enough.
7. Finally write that blasted blog post you’ve been fretting over for two days and congratulate yourself on your reserve at staying away from said blog for such a long period of time. Take huge insult at any suggestion otherwise.

A socially inept mardy blogger (with a mild case of trapped wind)