Comments on: The one in which I get new specs
If not, ask GranTue, 26 Mar 2013 06:50:31 +0000hourly1 I heart motherhood
I heart motherhoodTue, 19 Mar 2013 10:12:59 +0000 look so nice!! Such lovely frames! I wear glasses and I always pick the same shape frames. I now really don’t like the ones I currently wear (call them my Jenny Eclair glasses- that says it all) but just have to put up with them!
]]>By: looking for blue sky
looking for blue skyMon, 18 Mar 2013 21:37:18 +0000 stylish! As someone who has to wear specs most of the time, I wish I could change them every year
]]>By: Kate
KateMon, 18 Mar 2013 19:20:23 +0000 to LOVE a most splendid pair of specs……as a seasoned wearer (i had my 1st pair at 2 & a half……) I salute you in your very fine choice!! You look GORGEOUS!!