This time last week our house was not such a happy place.
I’d been told my nearly 22 month old daughter had an “issue” with the joints from her hips downwards and she was, to put it simply, too flexible to walk.
We sat there, our family of three, on hard plastic chairs next to a picture of everyone’s favourite donkey Eeyore, and tried to decipher the medical jargon tumbling into our confused brains.
Your. Child. Has. A. Problem.
Your. Child. Needs. Treatment.
We were in shock. We’d just had to pin our screaming, terrified child down to be X-rayed. We’d just had to explain to her that the light from the machine wouldn’t burn her, desperate to console her sobs of “HOT HOT HOT!”
And now this.
But, as the strip lighting in that sanitised room flickered, we began to feel elated. She didn’t need an operation. There was no major issue with her hips. A pair of special shoes and some Physio and she’d be fine.
Then we booked the Physio assessment and we slumped again.
Three months. Three more months of tantrums and tears at not walking. Three more months of watching my formerly confident, outgoing child withdraw into herself, as she becomes aware that she’s not like the other kids. She can’t jump into the swimming pool. She can’t dance along to the music. She can’t walk.
So, when this happened earlier today, I was (perhaps understandably) in tears…
Yay Frog, well done. So pleased Molly, brought a tear to my eye.
Ah thank you. We’re ecstatic, now to just get her taking more steps and using her feet as the preferred mode of transport…
only just got my notification of your post but SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU & FROG! Have a good cry, get it all out, its upwards from hereonin x
Thank you lovely. x
Ahhh I’m so happy for you! It brought a tear to my eye! xx
Yay Frog! You must be over the moon!x
She was so close to doing this at the weekend…no stopping her now. Well done you both for hanging in there xX
She’s so determined!
What exciting news! She looks very steady on her feet, too.
It’s amazing!
Bless her heart! I am so pleased for you! OK now I am crying xxx
It’s my mission to get everyone blubbing by the end of the day! x
I cheered! Clever girl. Can’t wait for her to visit and run along the beach. Finally connected with internet in deepest Devon. Love ma x
Welcome back Mum! We’re going to get her running along that beach. Determined. x
Ahhh hope you are settling in and what marvellous steps forward for you and for FXX
Blooming fantastic, this has really brightened up my morning. So happy for you and more importantly her, she will be fine and hopefully by the time her physio comes around she will hardly need them! x
You’ll be running after her soon enough.Yay!
I do hope so!
am in tears! Well done that beautiful girl xxx
Shall pass it on. She’ll be very pleased. She’s rather proud of herself now! x
Yaaay that’s about the best thing I’ve seen all week. I know how much this means, it’s the best reason for tears *sniff* Am SO happy for you xx
Thank you – I’m wondering if my over-emotional reaction was because I was so tired. Glad to see I’m not the only one who’s soppy about this stuff though!
This actually made me cry as well. So happy for you
You’re very lovely x
oh wow thats fantastic!!!!
We thought so too!
You are making the world cry Molly! And rightly so!!!! Best news ever!
And you witnessed it first hand! x
Absolutely BRILLIANT- I know I haven’t commented on your posts about this but I’ve felt the frustration and experienced similar (but for not quite as long) with my middle child. I’m over the moon for you all. Lovely news xxx
Thanks Nickie. That frustration is so hard to deal with – when their mind knows what they want to do but their legs can’t keep up. Here’s hoping we won’t have to experience many more of those tantrums. (I’m sure she’ll find something else to tantrum about instead though!)
oh wow! Go Frog…………
what with this and ‘Long Lost family’ on tv I’m in bits!
Blimey, sorry! x
that made me cry, well done frog, but libs now has issues……
big love x
Thanks lovely. Give Libs a big smacker from me. xxx
I got so emotional for you looking at that video. Congratulations! Yes!
I’m not usually the type to get sentimental about this stuff, but we’ve been waiting for it to happen for so long!
That is so cool, can totally understand why you may have had a little tear in your eye. I’m the guy who watched his daughter stand up and push her high chair across the room today, the first time she’s ever moved while stood on her own. Truly amazing moments as a parent
Wow. She pushed her highchair?! She must be VERY strong!
I cried too … happily
*passes tissues* x
stupid frickin tears here! I know what this means and I still can’t believe I cry for other people that I have yet to meet! But when your walking this road the fact that you havent met doesn’t actually matter a jot!! Such great news and such a great clip. xx Long may this progess continue.
Emma you’re very lovely. Can’t wait to meet you at CybHer! x
woo! Joseph walked at 23 1/2 at Easter time last year. He’s hypermobile too, and now it’s been a year!
She’s doing great and I am sure its just the beginning!
Here’s hoping. I’d love (as I’m sure she would too) to let go of her hand and let her run off and play among all the other toddlers. At the moment, I’m wandering around with her and some of the places she wants to play in (play houses etc) aren’t really made for adults!
Yay Frog! I’m so happy for you Molly! xxx
Thanks Emma. Thought it’d never happen!
Ah don’t, you’ll set me off…
So happy for you all! Well done to your little girl x
Thank you – she was pretty pleased with herself!