Have you ever wondered what your Spanish last name really means?
Many Spanish families pass down surnames for generations without knowing their true origins or significance.
Looking up these names often leads to confusing or incomplete information scattered across different websites.
This guide breaks down 261 Spanish last names with their real meanings, history, and current standing in Spanish-speaking communities.
From common surnames like García to rare ones like Zambrano, you’ll find clear explanations about where these names came from and what they tell us about Spanish family histories.
Why Are Spanish Last Names So Unique?
Spanish last names stand out due to their unique mix of different cultural roots.
The names we see today formed over many years through the blending of various groups who lived in Spain.
Roman influence brought names ending in “-ez” and “-oz,” meaning “son of.”
For example, Martinez means “son of Martin.” The Moors added names like Medina and Alcántara from Arabic words, while the Basque people contributed names like Zuñiga and Urrutia.
The two-surname system makes Spanish names special. Spanish people use both their father’s and mother’s last names.
For example, if your father’s name is Garcia and your mother’s is Lopez, you might be Maria Garcia Lopez.
This practice shows how Spanish families value their background and honor both sides of their family tree.
261 Spanish Last Names, Their Meanings And Popularity
1. Ábalos
- Meaning: Abbey
- Popularity: Common in Spain, particularly in the regions of La Rioja and Andalusia.
2. Abellán
- Meaning: Linden tree
- Popularity: Found mainly in the Murcia and Valencia regions of Spain.
3. Acevedo
- Meaning: Holly Grove
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Latin America, especially in Colombia and Mexico.
4. Acosta
- Meaning: Coastal
- Popularity: Highly common in Argentina, Uruguay, and other Spanish-speaking countries.
5. Aguilar
- Meaning: Eagle’s nest
- Popularity: Widespread in both Spain and Latin America.
6. Aguirre
- Meaning: Prominent place
- Popularity: Very common in the Basque region of Spain and South America.
7. Alba
- Meaning: Dawn
- Popularity: Frequently found across Spain and Latin America.
8. Alcalá
- Meaning: Fortress
- Popularity: Common in Andalusia and regions with Moorish influence.
9. Alcántara
- Meaning: Bridge
- Popularity: Popular in Extremadura and Latin American countries.
10. Aldana
- Meaning: Ancient House
- Popularity: Less common, but seen in Galicia and nearby regions.
11. Alemán
- Meaning: German
- Popularity: Often found in Spain and Latin American countries like Mexico.
12. Almagro
- Meaning: Red clay
- Popularity: Common in Castilla-La Mancha and parts of Argentina.
13. Alonso
- Meaning: Noble and ready
- Popularity: Widespread across Spain and Latin America.
14. Alvarado
- Meaning: White land
- Popularity: Common in Mexico and Central America.
15. Álvarez
- Meaning: Son of Álvaro
- Popularity: One of the most widespread surnames in Spain and Latin America.
16. Amador
- Meaning: Lover
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain, Colombia, and Mexico.
17. Andrade
- Meaning: Shield
- Popularity: Very common in Galicia and Portuguese-speaking regions.
18. Angulo
- Meaning: Corner
- Popularity: Common in Colombia, Mexico, and parts of Spain.
19. Aparicio
- Meaning: Appearance
- Popularity: Found in Spain, especially in Castile-La Mancha and Latin America.
20. Aragón
- Meaning: A region in Spain
- Popularity: Strongly associated with the region of Aragón and found in Latin America.
21. Aranda
- Meaning: Valley of Aran
- Popularity: Common in Castile and León and parts of Latin America.
22. Arenas
- Meaning: Sands
- Popularity: Found across Spain and Latin America.
23. Ariza
- Meaning: Thrush bird
- Popularity: Common in Andalusia and nearby regions.
24. Arias
- Meaning: Farmer
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Spain and Latin America.
25. Arrieta
- Meaning: Hill or elevation
- Popularity: Common in Basque regions of Spain.
26. Arroyo
- Meaning: Stream or brook
- Popularity: Found widely in Spain and Latin America.
27. Asensio
- Meaning: Ascension
- Popularity: Common in Spain and parts of South America.
28. Astorga
- Meaning: From Astorga
- Popularity: Found in León and nearby regions.
29. Avilés
- Meaning: City in Asturias
- Popularity: Common in northern Spain.
30. Ayala
- Meaning: Slope
- Popularity: Highly common in the Basque region and Latin America.
31. Aznar
- Meaning: Fox
- Popularity: Found in Aragón and nearby areas.
32. Baena
- Meaning: From Baena
- Popularity: Common in Andalusia and parts of Latin America.
33. Balboa
- Meaning: Water source
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain and Latin America.
34. Ballesteros
- Meaning: Crossbowman
- Popularity: Common in Castile and León and Latin America.
35. Barajas
- Meaning: Crossing
- Popularity: Found across Spain and Latin American countries.
36. Barba
- Meaning: Beard
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Spain and South America.
37. Barragán
- Meaning: Brave warrior
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Central America.
38. Barrera
- Meaning: Barrier
- Popularity: Seen in Andalusia and parts of South America.
39. Barrios
- Meaning: Neighborhood
- Popularity: Very common in Spain and Latin America.
40. Bautista
- Meaning: Baptist
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain, Mexico, and South America.
41. Becerra
- Meaning: Young cow
- Popularity: Common in Spain and parts of Latin America.
42. Beltrán
- Meaning: Bright raven
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain and Mexico.
43. Benavides
- Meaning: Well-fortified
- Popularity: Common in Spain, especially León, and Latin America.
44. Benítez
- Meaning: Son of Benito
- Popularity: Popular in Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico.
45. Bermejo
- Meaning: Reddish
- Popularity: Found in Andalusia and nearby regions.
46. Bermúdez
- Meaning: Son of Bermudo
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Latin America.
47. Bernal
- Meaning: Brave as a bear
- Popularity: Found across Spain and South America.
48. Blanco
- Meaning: White
- Popularity: Very common in Spain and across Latin America.
49. Bojórquez
- Meaning: Unknown
- Popularity: Popular in Mexico and parts of Central America.
50. Bolaños
- Meaning: Field of balls
- Popularity: Common in Colombia and Mexico.
51. Bonilla
- Meaning: Small fountain
- Popularity: Found in Spain, especially in Extremadura.
52. Borja
- Meaning: Stronghold
- Popularity: Common in Aragón and nearby regions.
53. Borrero
- Meaning: Shepherd of cattle
- Popularity: Common in Colombia and other Latin American countries.
54. Botello
- Meaning: Bottle
- Popularity: Found in Spain and parts of Latin America.
55. Bravo
- Meaning: Brave
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Spain and Mexico.
56. Bustamante
- Meaning: Place of thickets
- Popularity: Found in Spain and Latin America, especially Colombia.
57. Cabrera
- Meaning: Goat herder
- Popularity: Common in Spain, especially Catalonia, and parts of Latin America.
58. Cadena
- Meaning: Chain
- Popularity: Found in Mexico and Spain.
59. Calderón
- Meaning: Cauldron
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain and Latin America.
60. Calvo
- Meaning: Bald
- Popularity: Common in Spain and South America.
61. Camacho
- Meaning: Twisted or crooked
- Popularity: Found in Spain and parts of Latin America.
62. Campos
- Meaning: Fields
- Popularity: Very common across Spain and Latin America.
63. Canales
- Meaning: Channels
- Popularity: Common in Spain, especially in Cantabria.
64. Cano
- Meaning: White-haired
- Popularity: Found in Spain and Latin America.
65. Cantú
- Meaning: Rock or stone
- Popularity: Common in Mexico and northern Spain.
66. Cárdenas
- Meaning: Purple or bluish
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain and South America.
67. Carmona
- Meaning: From Carmona
- Popularity: Common in Andalusia and Latin America.
68. Carranza
- Meaning: From a Basque place name
- Popularity: Found in Mexico and Spain.
69. Carreño
- Meaning: Cartwright
- Popularity: Found in Spain, especially in Asturias.
70. Carrillo
- Meaning: Cheerful or dear
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain and Mexico.
71. Casas
- Meaning: Houses
- Popularity: Common in Spain and throughout Latin America.
72. Castellanos
- Meaning: From Castile
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain and South America.
73. Castillo
- Meaning: Castle
- Popularity: Very common across Spain and Latin America.
74. Castro
- Meaning: Fortified place
- Popularity: Found extensively in Spain and South America.
75. Céspedes
- Meaning: Meadows
- Popularity: Common in Spain, Cuba, and Colombia.
76. Cevallos
- Meaning: Hills
- Popularity: Found in Ecuador and northern Spain.
77. Chávez
- Meaning: Keys
- Popularity: Popular in Mexico and South America.
78. Cisneros
- Meaning: Swan
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Spain and South America.
79. Clemente
- Meaning: Merciful
- Popularity: Found in Spain and Latin American countries.
80. Cobos
- Meaning: Cow barn
- Popularity: Found in Spain and Mexico.
81. Colón
- Meaning: Columbus
- Popularity: Common in Puerto Rico and other Latin American countries.
82. Contreras
- Meaning: Opposite
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain and South America.
83. Córdoba
- Meaning: From Córdoba
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Argentina.
84. Cornejo
- Meaning: Dogwood tree
- Popularity: Found in Spain and Mexico.
85. Coronado
- Meaning: Crowned
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Spain and the United States.
86. Cortés
- Meaning: Courteous
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Latin America.
87. Corvera
- Meaning: From Corvera
- Popularity: Found in Asturias and nearby regions in Spain.
88. Covarrubias
- Meaning: Red caves
- Popularity: Common in Castile and León.
89. Crespo
- Meaning: Curly-haired
- Popularity: Found across Spain and Latin America.
90. Cruz
- Meaning: Cross
- Popularity: Very common in Spain, Mexico, and the Philippines.
91. Cuellar
- Meaning: Basin
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Latin American countries.
92. Curiel
- Meaning: Little court
- Popularity: Found in Spain and Mexico.
93. Dávila
- Meaning: From Ávila
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Latin America.
94. De la Cruz
- Meaning: Of the cross
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Spain and South America.
95. De la Fuente
- Meaning: Of the fountain
- Popularity: Common in Spain and parts of Latin America.
96. De la Vega
- Meaning: Of the meadow
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain and Mexico.
97. De León
- Meaning: Of León
- Popularity: Common in northern Spain and Latin America.
98. De Los Santos
- Meaning: Of the saints
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Spain and Mexico.
99. Delgado
- Meaning: Thin
- Popularity: Very common across Spain and Latin America.
100. Díaz
- Meaning: Son of Diego
- Popularity: One of the most widespread surnames in Spanish-speaking countries.
101. Domínguez
- Meaning: Son of Domingo
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Spain and Mexico.
102. Duarte
- Meaning: Doorkeeper
- Popularity: Found in Spain, Portugal, and Latin America.
103. Dueñas
- Meaning: Owner or mistress
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Latin America.
104. Escobar
- Meaning: Broom shrub
- Popularity: Found across Spain and South America.
105. Esparza
- Meaning: Place of thorns
- Popularity: Common in northern Spain and Mexico.
106. Espinosa
- Meaning: Thorny
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Spain and South America.
107. Estévez
- Meaning: Son of Esteban
- Popularity: Found in Spain and Latin America.
108. Estrada
- Meaning: Road or path
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Mexico.
109. Fajardo
- Meaning: Grooved
- Popularity: Found in Spain and Colombia.
110. Falcón
- Meaning: Falcon
- Popularity: Common in Spain and the Canary Islands.
111. Farias
- Meaning: Beanfield
- Popularity: Found in Spain and Mexico.
112. Fernández
- Meaning: Son of Fernando
- Popularity: One of the most common surnames in Spain and Latin America.
113. Ferrer
- Meaning: Blacksmith
- Popularity: Common in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands.
114. Figueroa
- Meaning: Fig tree
- Popularity: Found across Spain and Latin America.
115. Flores
- Meaning: Flowers
- Popularity: Very common in Mexico and South America.
116. Fonseca
- Meaning: Dry fountain
- Popularity: Found in Spain and Brazil.
117. Franco
- Meaning: Free
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain and Latin America.
118. Galindo
- Meaning: Clever or cunning
- Popularity: Common in Spain and parts of Latin America.
119. Gallardo
- Meaning: Brave or dashing
- Popularity: Found across Spain and South America.
120. Gálvez
- Meaning: Land of Galba
- Popularity: Common in Spain, especially Andalusia.
121. Gamboa
- Meaning: Muddy plain
- Popularity: Common in the Basque region and Mexico.
122. García
- Meaning: Bear
- Popularity: One of the most common surnames in Spanish-speaking countries.
123. Garza
- Meaning: Heron
- Popularity: Found frequently in Mexico and the southern United States.
124. Gastélum
- Meaning: Hill
- Popularity: Common in northern Mexico.
125. Gaviria
- Meaning: Place of the Gavirias
- Popularity: Found in Colombia and Spain.
126. Gil
- Meaning: Pledge
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Latin America.
127. Giner
- Meaning: Ingenious
- Popularity: Found in Valencia and parts of Spain.
128. Gómez
- Meaning: Son of Gome
- Popularity: One of the most widespread surnames in Spanish-speaking countries.
129. Gonzales
- Meaning: Son of Gonzalo
- Popularity: Common spelling variation in the United States.
130. González
- Meaning: Son of Gonzalo
- Popularity: One of the most common surnames in Spain and Latin America.
131. Granados
- Meaning: Pomegranates
- Popularity: Found in Spain and parts of Latin America.
132. Griego
- Meaning: Greek
- Popularity: Less common but found in Spain and Mexico.
133. Guerra
- Meaning: War
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Spain and Central America.
134. Guerrero
- Meaning: Warrior
- Popularity: Very common across Spain and Latin America.
135. Gutiérrez
- Meaning: Son of Gutierre
- Popularity: Found extensively in Spain and Latin America.
136. Guzmán
- Meaning: Nobleman
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Mexico.
137. Hernández
- Meaning: Son of Hernán
- Popularity: One of the most common surnames in the Spanish-speaking world.
138. Herrera
- Meaning: Ironworker
- Popularity: Found in Spain, Mexico, and Central America.
139. Hidalgo
- Meaning: Nobleman
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Spain and Latin America.
140. Holguín
- Meaning: Hollow
- Popularity: Found in Spain and Cuba.
141. Huerta
- Meaning: Orchard
- Popularity: Common in Spain and South America.
142. Ibáñez
- Meaning: Son of Iban
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain.
143. Iglesias
- Meaning: Churches
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Latin America.
144. Infante
- Meaning: Prince or child
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Spain and Portugal.
145. Iñiguez
- Meaning: Son of Iñigo
- Popularity: Found in northern Spain.
146. Jaramillo
- Meaning: Thicket
- Popularity: Common in Colombia and Spain.
147. Jiménez
- Meaning: Son of Jimeno
- Popularity: Found in Spain and South America.
148. Juárez
- Meaning: Judge
- Popularity: Very common in Mexico and Spain.
149. Julián
- Meaning: Youthful
- Popularity: Found in Spain and parts of Latin America.
150. Lara
- Meaning: Famous
- Popularity: Common in Spain and South America.
151. Larios
- Meaning: Narrow
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain and Latin America.
152. Lastra
- Meaning: Flat rock
- Popularity: Common in northern Spain.
153. León
- Meaning: Lion
- Popularity: Found extensively in Spain and Latin America.
154. Leal
- Meaning: Loyal
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Mexico.
155. Ledesma
- Meaning: Muddy place
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain and Argentina.
156. Lema
- Meaning: Motto
- Popularity: Common in Galicia and northern Spain.
157. Lerma
- Meaning: From Lerma
- Popularity: Found in Spain and parts of Latin America.
158. Leyva
- Meaning: Clearing
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Mexico and Spain.
159. Lima
- Meaning: Lime
- Popularity: Common in Portugal, Spain, and Brazil.
160. Limón
- Meaning: Lemon
- Popularity: Found in Mexico and Spain.
161. Linares
- Meaning: Flax field
- Popularity: Found in Spain, particularly Andalusia and Latin America.
162. López
- Meaning: Son of Lope
- Popularity: One of the most common surnames in Spanish-speaking countries.
163. Lorca
- Meaning: From Lorca (a town in Murcia, Spain)
- Popularity: Common in southern Spain.
164. Lozano
- Meaning: Elegant or lush
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain and Mexico.
165. Lucero
- Meaning: Bright star
- Popularity: Common in Latin America, especially Mexico and Argentina.
166. Luna
- Meaning: Moon
- Popularity: Found across Spain and Latin America.
167. Macías
- Meaning: Gift of God
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Spain and Latin America.
168. Maldonado
- Meaning: Ill-favored or cursed
- Popularity: Found in Spain, Mexico, and South America.
169. Manrique
- Meaning: Powerful
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Colombia.
170. Marín
- Meaning: Sailor
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain and Costa Rica.
171. Márquez
- Meaning: Son of Marcos
- Popularity: Found extensively in Spain, Mexico, and South America.
172. Martínez
- Meaning: Son of Martín
- Popularity: One of the most common Spanish surnames globally.
173. Mata
- Meaning: Bush or plant
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Latin America.
174. Mateos
- Meaning: Son of Mateo
- Popularity: Found in Spain and Mexico.
175. Méndez
- Meaning: Son of Mendo
- Popularity: Very common in Spain and Latin America.
176. Mendoza
- Meaning: Cold Mountain
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain, Mexico, and Argentina.
177. Meneses
- Meaning: From Meneses (a town in Spain)
- Popularity: Common in Spain and parts of Latin America.
178. Mercado
- Meaning: Market
- Popularity: Found in Spain and widely used in the Philippines and Latin America.
179. Merino
- Meaning: Shepherd or fine wool
- Popularity: Common in Spain and South America.
180. Miranda
- Meaning: Admirable or lookout
- Popularity: Found across Spain and Latin America.
181. Molina
- Meaning: Mill
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain, Mexico, and Chile.
182. Moncada
- Meaning: Noble title
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Colombia.
183. Montaño
- Meaning: Mountain
- Popularity: Found in Spain and widely used in South America.
184. Montemayor
- Meaning: Hill of May
- Popularity: Found in Spain, especially in Castile and León.
185. Montes
- Meaning: Mountains
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain and Mexico.
186. Montero
- Meaning: Hunter
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Latin America.
187. Mora
- Meaning: Mulberry
- Popularity: Found in Spain and Central America.
188. Morales
- Meaning: Mulberry trees
- Popularity: Very common in Spain and South America.
189. Morán
- Meaning: Dweller in a moor
- Popularity: Found in Spain and parts of Latin America.
190. Moreno
- Meaning: Dark-haired
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Spain and Mexico.
191. Muñoz
- Meaning: Son of Muño
- Popularity: Very common across Spain and Latin America.
192. Murillo
- Meaning: Small wall
- Popularity: Found in Spain and widely used in Colombia and Mexico.
193. Nava
- Meaning: Plain or meadow
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Mexico.
194. Navarro
- Meaning: From Navarre
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain and Latin America.
195. Negrón
- Meaning: Black or dark
- Popularity: Common in the Caribbean and Spain.
196. Nieto
- Meaning: Grandson
- Popularity: Found in Spain and throughout Latin America.
197. Núñez
- Meaning: Son of Nuño
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Mexico.
198. Ocampo
- Meaning: Field or plain
- Popularity: Frequently found in Mexico and Argentina.
199. Olivares
- Meaning: Olive groves
- Popularity: Found in Spain and South America.
200. Olivera
- Meaning: Olive tree
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Argentina.
201. Olmos
- Meaning: Elms
- Popularity: Common in Spain and parts of Latin America.
202. Ordóñez
- Meaning: Son of Ordoño
- Popularity: Found in Spain and Mexico.
203. Ortega
- Meaning: Nettle
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Spain and Latin America.
204. Ortiz
- Meaning: Son of Orti
- Popularity: Very common in Spain and throughout Latin America.
205. Osorio
- Meaning: Hunter of wolves
- Popularity: Found in Spain, especially in Castile and León, and Latin America.
206. Otero
- Meaning: Hill
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain and Colombia.
207. Padilla
- Meaning: Small plain
- Popularity: Common in Spain and South America.
208. Paredes
- Meaning: Walls
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Spain and Mexico.
209. Parra
- Meaning: Vine
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Latin America.
210. Pascual
- Meaning: Easter
- Popularity: Found in Spain and parts of Latin America.
211. Pastor
- Meaning: Shepherd
- Popularity: Common in Spain and South America.
212. Patiño
- Meaning: Small pasture
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Colombia and Mexico.
213. Peña
- Meaning: Rock
- Popularity: Very common in Spain and Latin America.
214. Perales
- Meaning: Pear trees
- Popularity: Found in Spain and Mexico.
215. Peralta
- Meaning: High rock
- Popularity: Common in Spain and South America.
216. Pérez
- Meaning: Son of Pedro
- Popularity: One of the most common surnames in Spanish-speaking countries.
217. Pineda
- Meaning: Pine forest
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain and Mexico.
218. Piña
- Meaning: Pineapple
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Latin America.
219. Plaza
- Meaning: Square
- Popularity: Found in Spain and parts of Latin America.
220. Polanco
- Meaning: Place name
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Colombia.
221. Prado
- Meaning: Meadow
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Spain and South America.
222. Priego
- Meaning: From Priego (a town in Spain)
- Popularity: Found in Andalusia and nearby regions.
223. Prieto
- Meaning: Dark or black
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Mexico.
224. Quintero
- Meaning: Fifth
- Popularity: Found in Spain and Latin America, particularly Colombia.
225. Quintana
- Meaning: Farmstead
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Spain and South America.
226. Quiroga
- Meaning: Steep bank
- Popularity: Found in Galicia and parts of Latin America.
227. Ramírez
- Meaning: Son of Ramiro
- Popularity: Very common across Spain and Latin America.
228. Ramos
- Meaning: Branches
- Popularity: Found in Spain, Mexico, and South America.
229. Rangel
- Meaning: Small farm
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Mexico and Spain.
230. Rentería
- Meaning: Place name
- Popularity: Found in Basque regions and Colombia.
231. Reyes
- Meaning: Kings
- Popularity: Common in Spain, Mexico, and Central America.
232. Reynoso
- Meaning: King’s advisor
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Spain and Argentina.
233. Rico
- Meaning: Rich or wealthy
- Popularity: Found in Spain and parts of Latin America.
234. Rincón
- Meaning: Corner
- Popularity: Common in Spain and South America.
235. Ríos
- Meaning: Rivers
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Spain and Latin America.
236. Robledo
- Meaning: Oak grove
- Popularity: Found in Spain and Mexico.
237. Robles
- Meaning: Oaks
- Popularity: Common in Spain and South America.
238. Rocha
- Meaning: Rock
- Popularity: Found in Spain, Mexico, and South America.
239. Rodarte
- Meaning: Oak thicket
- Popularity: Common in Mexico.
240. Rodríguez
- Meaning: Son of Rodrigo
- Popularity: One of the most common surnames in the Spanish-speaking world.
241. Rojo
- Meaning: Red
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain and parts of Latin America.
242. Romero
- Meaning: Pilgrim to Rome
- Popularity: Very common in Spain and Mexico.
243. Rosales
- Meaning: Rose bushes
- Popularity: Found across Spain and Latin America.
244. Rubio
- Meaning: Blond or fair
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Mexico.
245. Ruiz
- Meaning: Son of Ruy
- Popularity: Found extensively in Spain and Latin America.
246. Salas
- Meaning: Halls or rooms
- Popularity: Common in Spain and South America.
247. Salazar
- Meaning: Old hall
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Spain and Colombia.
248. Salcedo
- Meaning: Willow grove
- Popularity: Found in Spain and Latin America.
249. Salgado
- Meaning: Salted
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Mexico.
250. Salinas
- Meaning: Salt flats
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain and South America.
251. Sánchez
- Meaning: Son of Sancho
- Popularity: One of the most widespread surnames in Spain and Latin America.
252. Sandoval
- Meaning: Valley of sand
- Popularity: Common in Spain and parts of Central and South America.
253. Santacruz
- Meaning: Holy cross
- Popularity: Frequently seen in Spain and Latin America.
254. Santiago
- Meaning: Saint James
- Popularity: Very common in Spain, Mexico, and the Caribbean.
255. Santos
- Meaning: Saints
- Popularity: Found across Spain and Latin America.
256. Serrano
- Meaning: Highlander
- Popularity: Common in Spain and parts of Latin America.
257. Silva
- Meaning: Forest or woods
- Popularity: Found in Spain, Portugal, and Latin America.
258. Solano
- Meaning: Eastern wind
- Popularity: Common in Spain and South America.
259. Solís
- Meaning: Solitary or sun
- Popularity: Frequently found in Spain and Mexico.
260. Soto
- Meaning: Grove or thicket
- Popularity: Common in Spain and Latin America.
261. Suárez
- Meaning: Son of Suero
- Popularity: Found extensively in Spain and Latin America.
Spanish last names carry stories of families, places, and traditions passed down through generations.
Each surname in this list represents more than just a name – it’s a connection to Spain’s rich cultural heritage and family history.
As we’ve seen in these 261 names, Spanish surnames often come from occupations, places, or personal traits.
They help us trace family roots and understand the movement of Spanish-speaking people across the world.
Want to dig deeper into your family history? Take time to research your surname’s background.
Ask older family members about your name’s story, or start building your family tree. You might even find distant relatives who share your last name!