Oh to be a baby. It’s probably the only time in your life you get praised for letting out wind, putting on weight and eating constantly. Plus, you get regular pamper sessions to rival any spa treatment.
Bath time is my baby girl’s favourite time of the day. She absolutely loves to splash about in the water and get pampered with bubbles galore. It’s a key part of our whole bedtime routine and is about more than just getting clean: it’s a time to bond with us and her big sister.
At four months old Baby Girl has a better selection of pamper products than her own mother. She has quite sensitive skin, so I’m quite fussy about what I use on her. Up until she was about 12 weeks old I only used the fragrance free First Touch range from Johnson’s Baby. Recently, we’ve added a foaming wash from Earth Mama and a hair and body wash from Sophie la Girafe to the mix too. Afterwards, the baby massage oil from TEN is rather lovely.
I recently vlogged about some of these products over on my YouTube channel so I thought I’d share it here too. Excuse the tired eyes and baby brain moments – it was filmed on approximately three minutes of sleep.
Disclosure: Thanks to the brands featured for sending me samples for the purpose of this review. For more details of how I work with brands check out my Work With Me page.
Glad you and baby are enjoying the -TEN- Massage Oil. Loved the review.
Thanks Sarah – we love it!