OK so it’s almost mid-August already and there’s a very high chance I’ve missed the boat on this one, but I thought I’d share anyway just in case any other breastfeeding mums out there are looking for some summer nursing-friendly style inspiration. We’re off to France on holiday on Saturday and I’ve been slowly building up a few easy-boob-access outfits to take with me.
Rather than show a load of selfies I thought it might be fun to vlog it. (And Mum, if you’re reading this, people showing outfits in videos on the internet is totally a thing – I promise.)
For more videos check out my YouTube channel – come and say hello!
Fab post. Loved F’s little appearances too. Please can I borrow this entire wardrobe next summer?
Big love, some fab ideas here I’ll be sure to follow.
It’s all about the dungarees – stock up now! x