It’s now been nearly four weeks of newborn mayhem in our house and we’re slowly starting to get to grips with life as a family of four. There are SO many baby-related things I want to blog about at the moment but time seems to escape me (babies = time hoovers). In the meantime, I thought I’d do a little vlog about some of the products that have made my life easier with a newborn.
The challenges second time around are definitely different, so these are essentials for second time mums (and dads) – but I’m sure I’d have found them pretty useful had I known about them four years ago too.
Anyway, I’m far too sleep deprived right now for fancy schmancy editing, so this is a raw one-take wonder of a video – complete with tiny baby. Hope you like it!
The video features the Baby Wrap from Babymoov, Waterwipes (you can get them in Boots – and lots of other places), a very cool baby bath seat, swaddle blankets by Aden & Anais (included in our box from The Baby Box Co), the Gro-Hush from The Gro Company and the cutest little vest by Beibamboo from Oscar and Olivia.
Some of these products were sent to me for review, but all opinions (as ever) remain my own. I wouldn’t recommend them if I didn’t love them and think they’ve genuinely made my life easier over the past few weeks.
Are there any products you can’t live without since becoming a new parent?
I love the idea of the baby box and the swaddle blanket was gorgeous! I definitely used a wrap more with my second, and I expect even more again with my third!