Dear Frog,
You may not be walking yet, but at 21 months old you’re certainly not a baby.
What you are like now:
1) You shout NO! A lot.
2) You’re rapidly going off wearing a nappy.
3) You sing yourself to sleep with that popular nursery rhyme all about a Russian oligarch with a bladder problem; Tinkle Tinkle Little Tsar is your favourite song.
4) You read stories to yourself. Unsurprisingly you tend to be the main character. The Very Hungry Caterpillar is actually called The Very Hungry Frog, apparently.
5) You now properly “cook” in your kitchen. Rather than just banging your wooden spoons and throwing dried rice around, you’ve started to pour things into pots and stir imaginary stews on the hob. Yesterday I watched you turning the tap on and off, making the, “Whoooosh” sound of the water. When I asked if the water was cold you looked at me scornfully, before replying, “Yeah”.
Frog, I have to remind myself of these little milestones because it’s easy to forget. Your legs may not be up to speed yet, but your mind certainly is.
You’ll be sixteen before I know it. (Hopefully by then you’ll have figured out that eyeliner is not for use on the nose.)
Lol at the Russian oligarch with a bladder problem! I know what you mean about remembering little things, I have to keep reminding myself to write things down. I can’t believe that before we know it they will be 16 and think we are the most uncool things on the planet! X
This is true. Although I’m pretty sure she already thinks I’m pretty uncool, diva that she is. She’s perfecting the eyeroll beautifully.
Such a lovely post; you’ll treasure these in years to come. Having just packed off #1 son back to Uni I wish I had been able to record memories like this twenty years ago. Don’t mind me, any small people posts are just helping to add the pile of tissues today *sniff*
Oh dear, I know I need to make the most of these years because they go by in a flash!
Non walking babies eh!
Its a lovely post, Frog is remarkable as you know.
and at least she can talk x
It’s a reminder post, to keep me in touch with my short-term memory. Talking’s great. Until they shout, “NOOOO MUMMY” at you before hitting you in the face.
That list of achievements makes her sound uncannily like me, except for the nappies (I’m nearly ready to go back into them) – only she’s a lot better looking. She and you will love this post when she’s older.
Ha – surely she’s not better looking?! I find that incredible to believe after your last post!
and dont forget her other passion – diggers!
And “Choc choc”!
Aw bless her, she’s so sweet. A lovely post. Makes me what to get back on top of the old blogging again. It’s these little memories that will otherwise be lost, but are little gems.
It’s true, it’s a brilliant aspect of blogging. x
For this, I write my blog
It’s a lovely part of blogging isn’t it?
Wonderful post and what a cutie. We are lucky aren’t we!
Hullo! its looks new here! i like it
My first comment on the new blog, and the red tape hasn’t even been cut yet! Thank you lovely. x