What’s in our fridge? The family of four edition

They say the contents of your fridge says a lot about you, or perhaps I just made that one up. Either way, if it’s not a proper saying then it should be, because I think you can tell a lot about someone from what’s in their fridge. When I first met the (self-proclaimed) Northern Love Machine he was living in a shared house with a shared fridge. But he still had fresh meat, veg and cold beers in his section of the fridge, which is how I knew I was onto a winner; the man could cook and he liked the occasional drink. That’ll do me.

Fast-forward seven years and we now share a fridge with each other, along with two children. To celebrate their range of fridges and freezers, Beko asked us to share the five things in our fridge that we couldn’t live without. Here goes…

OK, before I go on I need to make it clear that these are things we deem essential and must have in the fridge at all times. It goes without saying that along with these items we have fresh fruit and veg, cheese, sometimes ham and often chicken pieces, fish and – sometimes – sausages too. Hummus is another fridge staple, along with my mum’s homemade jam.

You’ll also find the following:

Teethers for Baby Girl

Baby Girl is currently teething something rotten. When cold cucumber or carrot sticks don’t do the job and we’re not yet in need of Calpol or Anbesol then very cold teethers are the middle ground. We constantly keep three teethers in the fridge for her sore gums.

Wine for me

The above teething situation may or may not be related to the existence of wine in our fridge. I’m still breastfeeding, so I don’t drink much, which means the bottle inevitably gets opened on a Friday night and then sits there winking at me for the rest of the week.

Coffee for the NLM

Nothing to do with having two young children, although he often says his love of coffee has increased since fatherhood. The NLM doesn’t really drink tea but is a bit of a coffee snob. He shuns instant and has recently become interested in grinding his own coffee beans. Considering I don’t drink coffee but love tea it’s a wonder we’re at all compatible.

Milk for Frog

Frog absolutely LOVES milk. In fact, if she could survive on milk alone then I think she’d be quite happy to give up regular food (except, perhaps, chocolate). She’s rapidly approaching five years old but still has a big cup of warm milk first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Whenever she’s tired she always asks for milk. There’s a definite comfort thing around it, which reminds me of when she was a baby and used to snuggle into the boob for a drink and a cuddle.

And, finally, the last thing in our fridge that we couldn’t live without… tomatoes. Ever since I was pregnant I’ve been a bit addicted to tomatoes. I craved them throughout my whole pregnancy and, some days, got through a whole bag of them. I love a raw tomato cut in half with a pinch of salt on it, or a tomato sliced up and grilled then arranged on a piece of toast and covered with a liberal helping of black pepper. Mmmmmm. We also use them a lot in cooking, as the NLM makes a mean curry using fresh tomatoes and I tend to use them for homemade pasta sauces.

Now over to you – what 5 fridge essentials couldn’t you live without? Tell me in the comments!


Thanks to Beko for commissioning this post. For more information about how I work with brands check out my Work With Me page


  1. says

    Hmm, our top five would have to be fresh orange juice, almond milk (alas still no dairy for me), beer for H, supper hopefully defrosting (if I remember to retrieve it from the freezer) and a vast pile of apples just for balance!!

  2. says

    Our fridge is never ever ever that full! We literally have 5 things in there. Cheese. Butter. Milk (blue top and green top). Baby bottles made up for the day. Occasionally some yoghurts if we’re lucky.

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