8am and I’m calling the fire brigade. “999 what’s your service please?” Adrenaline pumps through me. What’s the one I need for when your “spirited child” has locked herself in the bathroom and refuses to open the door again? Fire? Police? It’s not illegal to lock yourself in the main morning room of the house even when your oldest sister is bursting for a wee is it… is it?!
So yeah. That was my morning. Welcome to life with a spirited child.
Other incidents have included a dramatic dirty protest one nap time, endless dramas over tutus and sunglasses as acceptable outfits of daywear (we’ve concluded that yes, they totally are) and the inclusion of cheese to the vegetable family.
Clearly my beautiful, feisty, hilarious baby daughter didn’t require any rescuing force. As soon as I’d requested the fire service help us (after an hour of my husband trying to remove the bathroom door and failing dismally) she casually unbolted the door and sauntered out of it to declare, “I here!” around 2 minutes before the red engine was due to arrive.
I share these stories of toddler hilarity with my friends and they nod their heads sympathetically, sharing their own stories of one particular child in their own family who did this or that. “You’re not alone,” they tell me with a smile. I suspect the smile is largely due to them not being in the same boat currently. You can’t blame them.
Still, do I have what we all know as a “spirited child”? Or do I just have what’s otherwise known as a “toddler”? I have no idea. My first born was a whole other kettle of fish. I hate to compare – I really, honestly do – but some may argue life with my first born toddler was more dramatic. Yes, she didn’t lock herself in bathrooms or stage dirty protests, but she was adept in the vegetable aisle tantrum. The one that lasted from veg aisle to booze aisle and made you consider buying three bottles of wine instead of the one you’d originally intended to.
My point is, actually I’m not sure what my point is. I guess my point is all children are so bloody different and I’m still scratching my head at having given birth to two girls who are SO wildly different in personality. But you know what? That’s not such a bad thing. They get on so well these days. Their differences draw them closer, calm each other down and wind each other up, in just the right sense.
So tell me, do you have what one might call a “spirited child”? And do you think this term is even a thing? And a fair one at that? I’m all ears.
Love your style, Molly!
Keep writing for us
Such a cute girl
This made me giggle so much..I dont know if theres a word for it…I just think each child is different and I love the fact that they can have such a character from a very young age…Im forever pulling my hair out one minute then later that day laughing over it. Im just making sure I remember them all to remind them when they are older…at just the right time to serious embarass
I think it’s a 2nd born thing….lol
My first born was a breeze compared to my youngest. lol She can be described as spirited too. I have called her a lot worse….She loves a bit of drama. hehehe
Molly, take comfort from the fact that THIS ISNT YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT THAT INVOLVES THE FIRE BRIGADE!! ???? In all seriousness though, spirited kids are tough to raise but boy will they make interesting grown ups! ????
Okay, now I need to know what the most embarrassing one was!!!