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Ah Netflix. The parent’s best friend. Gone are the days of clubbing and impromptu drinks at the pub. Instead, a perfect evening now consists of a glass of wine, a hot bubble bath and an episode (or two) of one of my favourite shows on Netflix.

But where to start when it comes to choosing the next series to get addicted to? You’ve watched Breaking Bad and Orange Is The New Black (and if you haven’t, then you should) and now you’re craving something new to sink your TV teeth into.

Fear not my friend, because luckily for you I’m currently a one woman breastfeeding machine who’s spent much of the past five weeks glued to the sofa, baby in one hand, Apple TV remote in the other. Here are my top five addictive shows on Netflix. I’m going to assume you’ve already seen Breaking Bad and OITNB and are up to date with Homeland already…

1. The Killing

This is my new favourite show on Netflix. I think I actually enjoyed it more than OITNB – and that’s saying something. It follows a couple of troubled Seattle detectives who have the best on-screen chemistry since Mulder and Scully. It’s moody, surprisingly funny in places and ridiculously addictive with many a plot twist that will leave you reaching to press “play” on the next episode.

2. The Bridge

There’s a definite theme here, with another brilliant crime series making my top five. The Bridge is a Scandinavian show based in Sweden and Denmark. Again, the two main detectives have great characters and back-stories of their own. Add the brilliant casting and writing to the pacey plots and you won’t even notice it’s in subtitles.

3. Sons of Anarchy

OK, I have to admit something here. I got so addicted to SOA at one point that I questioned if I had a problem. At the height of my SOA addiction I binge-watched five episodes back to back with only one loo break. I know, sad. I loved the characters (the protagonist and here / anti-hero, Jax, is something you have to see to believe), the chemistry between the characters, the rather ridiculous story lines and the action. It was also one of those rare shows that my husband and I could agree to watch happily together.

4. The Shield

The Shield is an earlier offering from the man behind SOA, Kurt Geiger, and you can see the similarities between the two shows. There’s a fair bit of violence in both, but the characterisation and the plot twists provided enough entertainment to grip me, which is a big ask considering I’m a total wimp when it comes to violence on TV and in films.

5. House of Cards

This show stars one of my favourite actors of all time – the legend that is Kevin Spacey. I’ve only just started watching this show but already the back-stabbing antics of the politicians in The White House have me hooked. As always, Spacey doesn’t disappoint.

What shows do you love on Netflix? Any more recommendations to add to my list? I’m going to need something new to watch once I’ve finished House of Cards…



Disclosure: I’m on the Netflix Stream Team, but all views (and TV addictions) remain my own.