I can’t be the only pregnant woman to develop a serious case of the nosies when it comes to other peoples’ pregnancies.
Whether it’s watching One Born Every Minute, reading pregnancy-related articles in Mother & Baby Magazine or simply chatting with other pregnant mums in real life and online, I can’t seem to get enough of the bump chat.
There’s something really comforting to know other women are going through the same experiences and can relate to weird cravings, getting up five times a night for a wee or simply worrying about how you’ll cope once the baby comes. Of course I realise this is all probably pretty tedious stuff for my non-pregnant mates (and husband), so I try to minimise the bump chat – or at least contain it – to others in the same bump “condition”.
That’s why I thought it would be pretty cool to create an online antenatal club of sorts, for other pregnant bloggers to link up their posts about pregnancy each week, so we can “share the journey” (*cringey soppy wording*) with each other.
I know there are quite a few of us out there; Chelle from Unique & Chic, Jennie from Edspire, Gillian from A Baby Board,Mrs G from Goriami Family and – most recently – Susanne from Ghostwriter Mummy, to name but a few. So there are certainly enough of us to create a buzzing online bump club.
Every Thursday I’m going to be posting a little pregnancy-related update, along with a linky so you can add yours. There’s also a fancy badge that I made *proud face*.
At the moment I feel a bit like the girl who organised the party and is worried no one will turn up! I can’t promise wine, but I have virtual cake, a nosey ear, active Twitter fingers to share your posts and much sympathy for the back-ache, midnight loo trips and general pregnancy exhaustion.
If you’re blogging about your pregnancy then I’d love to have a read. Think of it like an online antenatal club. Link up your most recent post here and then don’t forget to grab the badge so other pregnant bloggers can find out about our group too. The more the merrier, and all that.

*Runs off to get pregnant*
Glad to see you’re committed to the cause Annie. I wouldn’t expect anything less!
Fantastic! I’m in!xx
Yay! Phew. I’m not a total blog linky loner then! x
Yay! Great idea. Love reading other people’s pregnancy posts (and hopefully finding out they’re are spotty / forgetful / emotional aka as ‘glam’ as me during this time)
You are DEFINITELY not alone. I am FAR from glam at the mo (or any time actually!). x
Hooray! I’m in! I also love reading pregnancy posts, whether I’m pregnant or not!
x x
Me too! x
I dont have a blog but I am nosey and love the sound of an on line antenatal club! Hope its ok to come by, read and comment
Of course – you’re more than welcome! x
Hooray! This sounds fab, count me in!
Brilliant! x
LOVE this idea Molly x
Ah thanks Al! x
Oh I’m in too – all 26 weeks huge of me – it’s always fun having a read about how other people feel at similar stages!
Brilliant – the more the merrier!
All done and linked up
Brilliant – will have a read now! x
I wish i was pregnant so i can join in…oh..
Now is the time to invest in a round cushion to stuff up your jumper Otilia! x
What a lovely group to belong to x I am in and will try to post my more positive posts about our little #RainbowBaby x Thank you x
I’m loving reading your posts Jennie – feel free to link up any you like. It’s nice to have a little group together, even if we don’t all live round the corner from each other! x
Linked up! This is a new world to me so nice to have plenty of reading material to know what to expect!
Congratulations Karen! Lovely to hear your news. Such and exciting time, will look forward to following your pregnancy journey. xx
Great idea Molly! Introducing myself – 33 weeks pregnant. Excuse the jaded tone of some of my posts but this is number 3… look forward to reading everyone’s x
Thanks for linking up Amy! Will go and have a read of your post now. You’re totally allowed to be jaded – I am and I’m only 21 weeks and this is just my second! x
What a fab idea, Annie’s comment made me lol! Sorry I’m not pregnant to join in (nor am I even a tiny bit broody) but huge congrats and sorry not visited for a while, need to get better at the blog love! Hope you are feeling fab x
Feeling much better now – thank you! It was a relief when the morning sickness stopped, thank goodness. Plus I’m enjoying the excuse of shopping for new maternity clothes! x