You know when you read a blog post or come across a Facebook status or tweet that has you nodding your head, smiling in agreement? Well this video is the equivalent of that and then some.
If you don’t have kids yet, you may need to look away now.
Watched it? What do you reckon?
I can absolutely relate to this. The laptop bit especially. Anyone else had their toddler decorate their computer with yoghurt? No? Just me then.
Of course being a mum is full of highs. The kisses at bedtime, the cuddles and the laughter. And it’s full of snot, sticky paint and playdough.
My first moment of “I’ve changed” enlightenment came in the supermarket carpark, when a woman nicked my parking space (a coveted parent and baby one) with no child in sight. Rage.
I used to be one of those people who’d see those spaces and roll my eyes, thinking, “Why do people with kids get special bloody treatment?” Now I know. It’s because life is bloody tough with young children and satisfaction comes in the form of finding a free space with a bit of extra room to coax a tantrumming two year old into her car seat. It’s the little things, you know?
I think this sharp, sassy, funny video pretty much sums all of that up in perfect rap form.
New Mum Online said:
Oh My God that is bloody fabtastic!!!! x
New Mum Online recently posted…You Impact Me and I Impact You
Alice said:
Once in a supermarket that happened to me so I got out and screeched at the childless man who’d just taken the last parent and child parking space “it’s people like you who make my life DIFFICULT”.
Not hormonal, nooooo not at all
Alice recently posted…A Bit About Elfie
Alice said:
Once in a supermarket that happened to me so I got out and screeched at the childless man who’d just taken the last parent and child parking space “it’s people like you who make my life DIFFICULT”.
Not hormonal, nooooo not at all
Alice recently posted…A Bit About Elfie
Alice said:
Once in a supermarket that happened to me so I got out and screeched at the childless man who’d just taken the last parent and child parking space “it’s people like you who make my life DIFFICULT”.
Not hormonal, nooooo not at all
Alice recently posted…A Bit About Elfie
Molly said:
For the first time in my life I actually parked (a million miles away) and stomped back to the space where the woman had parked, ready to have it out with her. She’d already merrily gone in to do her shopping. I spent the rest of the shop thinking the woman at the end of the aisle was her. SO many people nearly experienced my wrath!
Nickie said:
That video is BRILLIANT!!
Molly said:
Isn’t it just. Pretty much sums it all up in one short song!
Alison @ Not Another Mummy Blog said:
Ahaaaa hilarious. I’m so sharing that video with the mums I know.
Alison @ Not Another Mummy Blog recently posted…The Twelve Mums Of Christmas: Sali Hughes on family life